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October & November, 2023
LUCKY DOG THEATRE, directed by Joya Cory,
performs FULL SPECTRUM IMPROVISATION in Berkeley and San Rafael.
Contact: Joyacory@gmail.com 415 812-3127 www.joyacory.com
For tickets and info: www.Luckydogtheatre.com
The veteran actors/improvisers in Lucky Dog perform spontaneous, physical theatre pieces and improvised songs, ranging from the fiercely comic to the surprisingly personal to the poignantly political. Beyond comedy “Improv,” Lucky Dog Theatre creates Improvisational Theatre of authenticity and substance.
Marcia Aguilar, drama therapist, improv teacher, director, playwright (La Mamá Chingona)
Joya Cory, veteran improviser, actor, director, solo performer, teacher
Joshua Lorris, improviser, physical dramaturg, singer
Fritzi Schnel, improv teacher, singer, solo performer
Michael Sommers, Film/ TV actor (Sense 8, Sorry to Bother You)
Sidonie Starr, multidisciplinary improviser, teacher, singer
Owen Walker, physical theater actor, Insideout Improvisation
Accompanied by virtuoso violinist, Yehudit, (San Francisco Ballet Orchestra, John Handy)