Taught by Marcia Aguilar. Marcia is a highly skilled improviser, actor and Drama Therapist, who has studied FSI for 13 years. Her teaching style is supportive and gentle.
Location: Wildcat Studio – 2525 8th Street, Berkeley CA
Sundays, 3-5:30pm, July 14 and August 11 & 25.
Single class $30
This class will be continued twice per month, starting in August. More dates posted soon.
Class Size: 12 max
We explore creative play for the joy of it, for the way it heals us and expands our mind, body and spirit. 😊
If you’ve never taken an Improv class but always wanted to or you’re new to Full Spectrum Improvisation but have some experience with other forms of improvisation, or you want help with your fear of public speaking, or you want to free your authentic self, this class is for you. You'll expand expressiveness with storytelling, games and exercises that engage your full range of movement, voice, and emotion